Here I am, with Josephine, my jongest trophy! In september 1949 she came into the world from the factory in Scotland...... and now in my possession! After being in Amsterdam, Hilversum and Wijk bij Duurstede; put on Marktplaats and found by me. She had a broken position-finger at the bobbin, wich was loving made by another Singer Featherweight-lover. With my great thanks, ofcourse, because she was completely revised and now sews like a dream! And after so many jears she really can!
Dit is mijn tegenwoordige bezigheid.....en wat een leuke om te doen: Leanne's House. Ik ben nu met het derde blok bezig en alleen het blokje "Spring" moet nog afgeborduurd; dan kan alles aan elkaar en ga ik met het vierde blok beginnen.
Het wordt wel een heel mooie quilt, met allerlei antiek-achtige bloemen stoffen. Bij Quiltpalace in Staphorst volg ik op dit moment een workshop en het is er erg gezellig!
This is were I am currently working on..... and what a pleasant one: Leanne's House. I am doing the third block and only the "Spring" block has to be embroidered; than I can put it together and start on the fourth block. It's going to be a wonderful quilt, with all kinds of antique-like flower-fabrics. At Quiltpalace in Staphorst I'm currently following a workshop and it's just fun!
And look what sat in our Amber-tree this morning, in our back garden..... a sweet couple pigeons, very cold...... Ooooooh! So sweet!!
Het is volgens de huisartsenpost een gewone griep en gelukkig niet de M-griep......
And what happened then...... the flu hit! My sick DH here at the couch! Covered in a lovely warm quilt, removing it sometimes because it was too warm.... (I thought I only had those waves, because I am over 50..... :) ..... ).
According to the doctor it's a normal flu and not the M-flu.....